The biggest CSA resource on the web
An introduction to the CSA
- An introduction to CSA (powerpoint)
- CSA on 2 sides of A4 for trainers
- CSA cases and confidentiality – everyone must read this
CSA Frameworks
- CSARam’s ‘5+5’ CSA consultation method (helps with time-efficiency)
- CSA – managing the 1st five minutes (YouTube video clip by Matt Smith)
- CSA – managing the 2nd five minutes (YouTube video clip by Matt Smith)
- CSA consultation model to help with time-efficiency
- CSA consultation model by Dr Ross
- CSA consultation model by Flannagan
- CSA consultation model by Flanagan as a flow diagram
CSA Practise Tools
- Consultation video analysis sheet (CSA style)
- CSA practise scoring sheet for observers
- CSA performance criteria (generic descriptors) & grading
- CSA template for writing your own
There’s a lot you can learn from Examiners’ feedback statements on previous exams. They highlight common difficulties and failures – which you can learn from!
- CSA feedback statements from the RCGP (brief)
- Examiner’s feedback statements – why people fail (brief)
- Examiner’s feedback statements – why people fail (detailed)
- 2010 CSA Examiners’ Feedback
- 2011 CSA Examiners’ Feedback
- 2012 CSA Examiner feedback from Yorkshire
- 2015 Examiner’s feedback from RCGP course
- CSA summary reports (RCGP)
Some things to cover
great document. start with that
dont forget lots of cot
different ways to play csa
teaching the microskills
help them with a framework – rams 5+5
dont be scared if you think you’re not clinical up to scratch. 90 per cent of the time you will be and besides the case will tell you all.
run a mock CSA with other practices
HDR and csa practice – what did the feedback say