- Ramesh Mehay
- Last modified: 6th April 2023
Information Management & Technology
Social Media
- BMA guide on social media
- GMC guide on social media
- BMA – social media ethics guidance for doctors
- GMC – ethical guidance on doctors’ use of social media
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Social Media - a great tool but it is not without its risks!
By social media, we mean LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. It can be a great tool in creating your “tribe”. Build your professional network. You can share ideas and information. Offers support to your peers. You can campaign on an issue. You can create a debate of some sort.
But be careful with what you say. You could run into legal issues like defamation or contempt of court. The standards expected of doctors do not change because they are communicating through social media rather than face to face or through other traditional media, but new challenges can arise.
You are still a doctor on social media
Even if you don’t identify yourself as a doctor on social media, you are still a doctor. So you must maintain ethical and professional standards. And especially patient confidentiality. A good rule of thumb is generally not to post when you’re angry, drunk or emotional. Donn’t say anything on social media that you wouldn’t be happy to be printed in a newspaper. Yes, you have the right to free speech, but this is not absolute. The laws of defamation apply so avoid adverse comments on individuals or organisations which could be seen to be unsubstantiated.
And be careful of giving medical advice on social media. Answering general medical questions of fact or signposting to sources of information is unlikely to get you into trouble. But providing personalised health advice via social media to members of the public is dangerous territory. And, of course, you should not discuss any individual patient health problem on social media, especially if the narrative can identify them.
Read the guidance from the BMA, GMC and RCGP in the Web links above.
Arm yourself with knowledge. Be aware of the potential pitfalls.
“What you are aware of, you are in control of; what you are not aware of, is in control of you.” – Anthony de Mello
Social Media Highway Code
1. Be aware of the image you present online and manage this proactively
2. Recognise that the personal and professional can’t always be separated
3. Engage with the public but be cautious of giving personal advice
4. Respect the privacy of all patients, especially the vulnerable
5. Show your human side, but maintain professional boundaries
6. Contribute your expertise, insights and experience
7. Treat others with consideration, politeness and respect
8. Remember that other people may be watching you
9. Support your colleagues and intervene when necessary
10. Test out innovative ideas, learn from mistakes – and have fun!