The universal GP Training website for everyone, not just Bradford.   Created in 2002 by Dr Ramesh Mehay

The New 14 Fish ePortfolio

what do you think about it?

Please tell me what you think.

I plan to feed this back to the 14 Fish team at some point soon.  I did my first ES meeting on it the other day.    And there were things that I loved and things I absolutely detested.  I was hoping to feel rather positively overwhelmed by all the changes compared to the old ugly RCGP eportfolio.  But, unfortunately, I was underwhelmed.  So, I thought the only way to make things better is to give them feedback to improve.  The more they improve, the easier and more pleasant our lives will be as Trainers, Educational Supervisors and TPDs.     So, let’s help influence.

What do I think?   Read what I’ve written on the right hand side.



  • It’s very pretty
  • I love the clean look.
  • Some use of visual graphics – although basic. 


  • It’s still rather clunky.  You have to keep clicking to where you want to get.
  • Some of the things are hard to find.  Navigation isn’t always intuitive.
  • Over-wordy in places.
  • I was delighted to hear that the CBD/COT mapping forms and the ESR workbook are no longer needed.  They should never have been a separate thing.  But the translation of this into the 14F ePortfolio is rather basic and not as helpful.   They could have done so much more than they have done visually.   I still have to do a lot of mapping and thinking in my head – that a computer is well placed to do for me!
  • I’ve got lots of specifics – but I would like to hear your thoughts first.

Leave a comment below

Please try to be as specific as you can.  What exactly do you like or dislike.  Try and spell out what you would like to change.  
If you prefer to remain anonymous, indicate which area you are writing from for the name fields e.g. Name: “Bradford Trainer“. And for the email address – make something up.

6 thoughts on “feedback eportfolio”

  1. The assessment mapping – doesn’t work very well. And why does my trainee has two lots of COTs and three lots of CBD areas. Which one do I click for the mapping? All rather confusing.
    Also, very wordy – insufficient evidence, competent for licensing – why not have colour coded circles with abreviations. eg. light green circle with CfL for Competent for Licensing. Red Circle with N-BE = needs further development -below expectations. dark green circle with N-ME = needs further development – meets expectations. and Amber with IE for insufficient evidence.
    Nothing rocket science here.

  2. I am a visual person and really loved the ES workbook because it was easy to read and the colours gave you a very quick visual representation of the progression through the assessments all in one page.

    My thoughts would be that now I’ve got used to it there are some real positives, the amended numbers dependent on being full time etc is really helpful, the compliance passport to see the mandatory form R etc is very easy to use and makes that part much easier. Breaking down the assessments into each review period is nice in that looking at smaller chunks – just having to remember to look at two review periods for the year.

    I’ve got used to now searching for the log entries etc and is as easy to use as the old portfolio. The only change I would like to make there is when you filter say by learning log in the review period I would then like to be able to click on type so I can order them by type rather than date as there isn’t a sort by type option in the sort by box.

  3. My main changes would be the way they have put the way of looking at the outcomes from CBD and cots/audio cots isn’t useful at all, clunky, to many areas to have to scroll down. I know there have only been small numbers being put into the way it is being presented at present so the line graphs are less helpful with the small numbers. Even with larger numbers I think it will be too slow and not useful to look at.

    I would like that to be formatted much more like the old NOE workbook and colourful in the way they have presented the spread of capability areas in the pie chart format. So when click on the progress section in the portfolio now can then click on the different types of assessments and have one easy to read table for each of the types.

  4. If they could make the progress tab more user friendly/visually easier to review the data then I think this platform is much better than the old portfolio.

  5. Completed a ESR last week.
    When the trainee’s add a clinical case review there is a section that says:

    ‘Capabilities this provides evidence for’
    This is often left blank by the trainee – with no suggested capability
    Where a capability is suggested by the trainee – no justification is provided – which should be easy to do as there is a quick link to the descriptors

    It would be useful if 14 fish blocked trainee’s saving a clinical case review unless they have
    1. Suggested the capability it provides evidence for
    2. They provide justification for the capability
    This would be really helpful
    Then as CS / ES we can note that we agree / or disagree and add further comment as required.

    Rick Dawson
    Trainer, Bradford

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Bradford VTS was created by Dr. Ramesh Mehay, a Programme Director for Bradford GP Training Scheme back in 2001. Over the years, it has seen many permutations.  At the time, there were very few resources for GP trainees and their trainers so Bradford decided to create one FOR EVERYONE. 

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