The biggest CSA resource on the web

- sca – the hour glass approach.ppt
- sca consultation framework – dr ross.doc
- sca consultation framework – flannagan as a flow diagram.doc
- sca consultation framework – flannagan.doc
- sca consultation framework – rams 5+5 method.doc
- sca consultation framework – time efficiency in the CSA.pdf
- csa case marking sheet – no descriptors1.doc
- csa case marking sheet – no descriptors2.pdf
- csa case marking sheet – with descriptors.doc
- csa performance criteria.doc
- csa scoring sheet for observers.docx
- learning needs log from csa practice.docx
These CSA tools
Here are some tools for both trainers and their trainees. I have divided them into three sections
- Marking cribs for practising CSA cases
- Marking cribs for assessing COTS via CSA (good for trainers)
- Templates to help you develop your own CSA cases
These CSA tools will help you enormously when practising CSA cases especially either with your trainer or in small CSA groups or at Half Day Release. If you have another tools that you develop yourself that you don’t mind sharing with others, please email them to me. Likewise, if you develop some CSA cases of your own, email me those too. Please contribute to others as I have for you.
Thanks xxx

Marking your CSA practise performance
Please do not role-play CSA scenarios without properly marking them using the marking framework above. Do not offer feedback in the form of something generic and vague like “yeah, I think that was good enough for the CSA’. Instead, break down the marking into the 3 domain and give a mark out of 3.
- Data Gathering
- Clinical Management
- Interpersonal Skills
In case you've forgotten - here's the scoring guide

Each CSA is marked out of 9. There are 3 marks for each of the three domains – Data Gathering (DG), Clinical Management (CM) and Interpersonal Skills (IS).
- Clear Pass (CP) is equal to 3 points
- Pass (P) is equal to 2 points
- Fail (F) is equal to1 point
- Clear Fail (CF) is equal to 0 points
Here are the descriptions for each of these grades which might help you understand how a CSA examiner will decide what grade you will get
Clear Pass
The candidate demonstrates sound performance in the domain both in principle and in detail, operating clearly above the level for safe independent clinical practice. Performance is fluent although not necessarily sophisticated. Positive behavioural indicators of performance are consistently and proficiently met and on balance any negative behaviours observed are not thought to be of concern.
The candidate's performance shows ability but overall is below the level for safe independent clinical practice. The positive behavioural indicators are not demonstrated to a consistently adequate standard and negative behaviours may be of concern.
The candidate has a sound grasp of the principle of the domain more so than the detail, operating at or just above the level for safe independent clinical practice. Positive behavioural indicators are consistently met, although performance may not be fluent. On balance any negative behaviours observed are not thought to be of concern.
Clear Fail
The candidate performs well below the level for safe independent clinical practice. The range and depth of the positive indicators are poorly demonstrated and performance may be inconsistent. Negative behaviours may be of concern.
Please leave a comment below if you have any words of wisdom to help others or if you have any questions you wish to ask…