The Indian government has set up a special commission to prepare an action plan to protect girls and women from sexual violence. Let’s send a flood of messages to the Justice Verma Committee urging the government to come up with an ambitious plan to end India’s war on women.
You can either
- sign the petition. Click here to sign the petition now (takes less than 30 seconds to do)
- or send an email – use the tools below to write in now! Click here to send an email now
- or even better, do both!
The more personal our messages the better. Here are some pointers on what to say:
- The government must urgently strengthen legislation and enforcement against sexual violence.
- Laws alone will be insufficient, the government should also launch a massive public education programme to shift the shameful attitudes that permit and promote violence against women.
- This is the last straw. This brutal, venal, global war on women must stop and it should be every politician’s top priority.