Debriefs RCA style
Nick Price
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Use of blooms taxonomy to structure the RCAs
Reflecting and being guided by the competencies to direct RCAs
Blooms taxonomy reminder – is three things – KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS and ATTITUDES (KSA)
Bloom defines competency levels within each of this major domains.
In RCA debriefs – you can test K, and/or S, and or A!
It’s a great flexible tool.
Very useful session and gave me structure on doing a random case analysis using blooms taxonomy
Also can use random cases for developing a relflective practice in trainee and further more populate the learning log
Debriefs can be done as part of a group with other Fy2 or registrars so they learn off each other
A good structured approach that allows you to explore a lot of different areas, if needed, from what could be quite a simple case.
shared debriefs may be beneficial for junior trainees
Useful for reaching johari window of blind spot
‘What if’ questions push the limits of knowledge but RCAs can also be confidence building
Puts learning into context
Raise learning needs rather than address them-Signpost to guidelines/ appropriate resources
Could be themed on knowledge/ competence or topic (ie prescribing)
Blooms: knowledge, skills (consultation, it skills, examination, time management ) and attitudes (ethics, fitness to practice)
? Works better if prior debrief light touch
I will approach RCA in a structured way in future exploring knowledge skills & attitudes.
Helpful for AKT & CSA preparation
My idea behind this was not to use short intervention RCA for all debriefs – because sometimes you are pushed for time. But you could start off with doing it on a few (and doing the rest in your normal way). a+And then as you get used to doing it, doing more of it. The key is to be dynamic and quick, otherwise it becomes exhausting!