Addiction - Alcohol, Smoking & Drugs
Bradford VTS Clinical Resources
- by Dr Ramesh Mehay
- Last modified: 2nd November 2023
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Many of us fail to think of addiction of a disease. Instead we make judgements about the patient’s personality as a result of their behaviour as a result of their addiction. We need to see alcohol as a disease and that a patient’s behaviour is not their personality but a response to their medical illness of addiction. Please watch this video. It features Matthew Perry, the well-known actor of the 1990s comedy series Friends, which remains popular with today’s generation. He talks about the “world-view” of a person with alcohol problems – and he helps us to see it from the perspective of the patient. Most people with alcohol or drug problems feel they come alive or feel life is “blisfful” for the first time that week – something that the rest of us experience often without alcohol or drugs and we take for granted. So can you see why someone would take a substance like that again and again, just to feel as good or as alive as you. Please watch the clip. It changed the way I viewed patients with this medical condition.
My review of his book: I am profoundly grateful for the illumination this book brings, for it not only serves as a guiding light for fellow addicts, reminding them that they are not alone, but also as a revelation to those who judge, exposing the mysterious depths of addiction. My heart aches with sorrow as I contemplate the tribulations Matthew Pery has endured. What should have been a wondrous life journey, as exemplified by the series Friends, became marred by a deep sense of isolation and foreboding. Yet, in the face of such adversity, he perseveres—a testament to the incredible strength of addicts who, day by day, are in a constant battle of trying to reject their harmful habits. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they don’t, but their resilience is truly remarkable. This book may not be a literary masterpiece, but it transcends such distinctions. It is, in my belief, something far more profound—an unvarnished chronicle of one person’s tumultuous journey through the challenges of existence.
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As healthcare providers, it is not uncommon for our hearts to initially sink when we encounter patients grappling with alcohol or drug-related issues. However, we all have the remarkable capacity to uplift our spirits by trading judgment for boundless genuine heart-felt compassion.
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