The Bath Audit Course
the most simple way of understanding audit

11 Other Resources
RCGP’s Online QI Ready Toolkit – An amazing online resource to assist you in better understanding QI methodologies, including audit, an online learning network and a series of learning modules.
Clinical Audit is Not Dead – If QI is the slick, new, sexy end of service development, then clinical audit can seem old fashioned, a fuddy duddy. . This BMJ article explores that notion. It makes the case for understanding that Quality Improvement and Clinical Audit aren’t necessarily separate things.
Is Clinical Audit on its Way Out? The Royal College of Physicians takes a look at this too.
Audit – how to do it in practice. A BMJ article from 2008 that still has relevance today! Nicely written.
NHS Digitial Clinical Audits – NHS Digital runs clinical audits and registries for the health and care system in England. If you’re interested, take a look at what they do.
HQUIP– HQUIP aims to improve health outcomes by enabling those who commission, deliver and receive healthcare to measure and improve our healthcare services.
NHS England on Audit – some interesting links to audits being done nationally.
The Bath Audit Course, Designed by Dr Michael Harris (Bath)